The Nature Prescription welcomes you to Join a Nature Therapy Guide, guided by Charissa Hipp to celebrate Mother's Day with a Mother/Child nature walk!
This walk will include a visit to the Raptor Mews at Hashawha, a chance to fully explore our senses (we are already experts at this but don’t take the time to slow down and learn from them), and guided nature connection invitations. It is a wonderful way to have a special morning between moms and their children in the outdoors.
Date: May 14, 2023
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Where: Hashawa Environmental Center & Bear Branch Nature Center
Cost: $40 - Special entry for families
Registration form below
“The mother daughter hike was something different outside of the brunch or dinner plans that was the normal go to. I was new to the concept of Forrest Bathing. Charissa helped us grasp it by reading a short story. I loved how it was about mindfulness, and really experiencing the hike through all of our senses, not just the physical activity.
I remember waking up and it was raining. That was my old excuse of staying home, who would hike in the rain? But we grabbed some ponchos and still went. I'm glad we did! It brought another layer to the experience. When the rain stopped and peaked out, it was at the perfect time. Being in that mindset set, you not only saw the sun but felt it caress your skin. My fifteen-year-old daughter also enjoyed the whole experience. Looking forward to the next one! “