11-Weeks to Self-Esteem - Transforming Self-Esteem Abroad via Zoom

Transforming Self-Esteem Abroad via Zoom

The 11-Weeks to Self-Esteem Support Group has expanded not only throughout the United States, but the program has touched various countries, including the United Kingdom and Switzerland. It was not long after The Counseling Center for Change’s owner, Dawn O’Meally sat down in an interview with Dr. David Burns and his podcast Feeling Good, when O’Meally wanted to expand the program’s horizons and expand the program outside of the United States—so she did.

Facilitating the program via Zoom during Covid-19, which many would agree to be the peak of the mental health crisis. Dawn began her networking and began her program in the UK and Switzerland, which proved to be so impactful for the UK group that Dawn set out to meet the associate facilitator and graduates from the course.

Continue reading to learn about Dawn’s experience to meet the group from the UK.

Where do I begin - I never imagined I would fly across the pond to England to celebrate one of my 11 Weeks to Self Esteem group graduation that I had previously only done in my office in Westminster, Maryland, for the past 22 years!

It was a fantastic experience to finally meet the women in person from the UK Manchester Women's Empowerment Group (EW) on April 9, 2022, who participated in my Zoom group psychoeducational program-11 Weeks to Self Esteem!  

The group of women I met up with in the UK was started by Rokhsareh Vahid "Roxy." Roxy created the EW Group in June 2021 through MeetUp. It has grown to over 1200 women and recently became a non-profit organization. Roxy's passion is about "learning and helping women to live their best life, reach their highest potential through self-development resources, and where empowered women empower each other". Credit to Roxy for spearheading bringing women together and being a shining light to them, having risen above her own past traumas and now wanting to give back and help women empower each other.  

Roxy learned about my program while searching for a self-esteem resource to bring to the women in her EW group as part of the self-development learning track she wanted to incorporate. She came across me via the podcast I had done with Dr. David Burns about my 11 Weeks to Self Esteem Program last year.

Our connection was instant the first time we spoke -her why's and my why's were in sync, and it was a perfect match! So I offered to help support her mission by providing my 11 Weeks to Self Esteem course to EW members via Zoom. So far, the course has been completed 2x by amazing women wanting to learn tools, strategies, and methods to defeat Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Perfectionism, Procrastination, Stinkin Thinkin, and so much more. Their outcomes have been measurable, mind-blowing, and life-changing, so I was super excited to FINALLY meet these incredible women, and their leader, in person!

The first group completed the online course in early December 2020, and I had planned to travel to the UK to celebrate with them in person, but the Covid restrictions became extreme, so alas, I had to cancel the planned trip. It was unbearable to do so, but I was determined to reschedule the trip and decided to make lemonade out of lemons. We decided we would celebrate with not just the first group but both groups together that had completed my 11 Weeks to Self Esteem Program. The stage was set by Roxy and Soraya (the Self Development Director) for my arrival. 

I flew to England with my props, gifts, 10 Days to Self Esteem book, and bulletin board. Yes, a small bulletin board with a picture of an Ant Hill painted on it. It definitely drew some curiosity in the airport! FYI, ANT is an acronym for Automatic Negative Thoughts. With plastic blow-up hammers, toy ants, and large coffee filters to write to, we would kill some ANTS! Of course, they had no idea what I had in store for them. Still, I wanted to create an in-person experience that involved processing what they had learned from the course and how it impacted them and reinforcing the CBT skills via interactive activities. When I arrived and saw Roxy, it was such an emotional moment for us. We practically ran towards one another and held an indescribable embrace as we were so excited to finally meet each other in person. Likewise, meeting the women that had participated in my program in person lent itself to more hugs and genuine warmth and gratitude from them during the exchange. I could never have imagined such a moment.

I wish we could have recorded their testimonies regarding HOW the 11 Weeks to Self Esteem program changed their lives as we went around the table and each person shared. We captured a lot of photographs that tell some of the stories of the experience. Back to the ANTs...

1. Each participant was given a blow-up hammer, a toy ant, and a coffee filter. The toy ants were spread out on the table before them as well.

2. I had each person write down on the large industrial size coffee filter a negative thought that they have about themself (i.e., I will never be good enough) on the outside bottom of the coffee filter. On the inside, I asked them to write down a positive thought to counteract their negative thinking on the inside bottom of the coffee filter (i.e., I am enough. I have been working on self-improvement). Each person was allowed to share their negative thought followed by their positive thought ( i.e., the straightforward approach). Then, they were instructed to beat that negative thought (ANT) with their hammer while speaking it aloud and challenging it. The women REALLY got into hitting the ANTS with their hammers. Some of the toy ANTS went flying off the table. It was a Cathartic Experience beating those ANTS. After each person shared, the women collectively BEAT the ANTS and boy, did they go flying off the table!

3. Following our exhilarating experience with beating the ANTS, I had all of the women stand up and hold their fluffed-up coffee filters with the bottom side facing them. Altogether, they let them drop to the floor. Guess what happened? The coffee filter landed right side up, and they could see their positive thoughts on the inside now facing them. They had "righted" their negative thoughts through this activity. They understood. They got it! The hammer and toy ant was given to each person to use "if needed" in the future at home!

4. Next came the more solemn part of the evening activity-the distribution of framed certificates and report cards by Roxy and me. I asked the women from the first group that had already graduated to form a line and stand facing each other, holding a long-stemmed carnation overhead. The women receiving their certificates and report cards were processed to the front of the room where Roxy and I were standing to give them their certificates and report card under the flowers held above them by the group that had gone before them. I had explained to the first group of graduates in attendance that they were the "firsts," and with that came a responsibility to pay it forward to those who come after them. They understood and, without hesitation, participated in this part of the ceremony. I later explained to the new group of graduates that they could pay it forward and what they learned by giving their testimony of how the program impacted them and inspired others to take the course. 

Distributing the certificates and report cards was quite emotional and joyful at the same time. Yes, more hugs were exchanged! 

Oh, the ANT bulletin board-we ran out of time, and I didn't get to do that activity. Next time! I left it in Roxy's care as Self Esteem Groups are planned and on the horizon for EW, and I plan to return.

Following our ceremony, we had to adjourn as it was time for dinner at the excellent restaurant where we held the graduation. We had a wonderful meal together (yes, with some toasts!) followed by sharing the pictured beautiful and yummy cake made by one of the women in the group.  

From the bottom of my heart, I am grateful to have had the opportunity to spend in-person time with the lovely Self Esteem graduates in the EW group. You guys inspire me to continue to offer my Self Esteem Program- my professional passion. The experience reminds me of a song that I think captured the moments we shared-These are the Days by 10,000 Maniacs.

Thank you, Roxy, Soraya, and the Manchester Empowered Women's Group, for hosting me and organizing the fantastic event!

Much love,


Life Interrupted By Young Onset Dementia & The Associated Anticipatory Grief For Everyone Involved

Grief is often assumed to occur after a death, but what if it starts earlier? What if we know a loss is impending, and we begin to grieve before a loved one passes on? For many care partners, as well as people diagnosed with Young-Onset Dementia, this pre-death grief becomes reality when faced with future losses and death. This experience of grieving before a death occurs is called Anticipatory Grief (AG), and it can be a heavy burden for anyone impacted by Young Onset Dementia. It is the anticipation of death in the predeath grief continuum resulting from the diagnosis that there is no current “cure” for Dementia. Dementia, as we know, causes a plethora of progressive losses, past and future-especially for the young onset patients who are often in the prime of their lives.

What is the difference between grief and AG? Whereas grief is the experience of loss and is usually a singular event, AG is the experience of expected or anticipated loss(es) that can go on for years and can involve daily losses. AG can be a dark, painful, lonely, stressful and confusing period without a known end point that occurs during ‘real time’ and must be lived through until the end by everyone involved, i.e., the afflicted, the care partner, and the entire family. Conversely, AG can represent a period of transformation and an activation of strengths, a time of finding new meaning and purpose, a time of building new relationships, and a time for healing and forgiveness.

“Suffering ceases to be suffering the minute it finds meaning.”
~Viktor Frankel

AG can start the instant a loved one receives the diagnosis and may continue throughout the gradual decline of health. For care partners and those afflicted with Dementia, AG can also be characterized by the abilities, relationships, and identities they know will be lost as the condition progresses. Throughout the journey of Young Onset Dementia, both care partners and the afflicted can face multiple tangible and relational losses. When first diagnosed, the immediate anticipatory loss is that of the future. Care partners and their families can go from anticipating a long life with their loved ones to anticipating a decline of health and death. They may also anticipate the loss of financial stability, dreams for the future with their loved one, losing a co-parent and having to become a single parent, family traditions, careers, privacy, intimacy, traditions, familial roles, independence, spirituality, and friendships.

The person who receives a diagnosis of Dementia can also experience AG and may grieve the eventual loss of both cognitive and physical functions. From the earliest stages of Dementia, those impacted by the condition may begin to grieve a future where they anticipate that they may be unable to recognize their loved ones as well. The afflicted may anticipate the same losses as caregivers, but they have the unique loss that is their own identity. They may grieve a future where they no longer know themselves or the memories that helped shape them. Compounded with these feelings is the inevitable loss of control over one’s body and the anticipation of a future where they have to live, in spite of this loss.

During AG, care partners and their families can, and do, experience all of the same mixed and sometimes overwhelming emotions commonly associated with persons going through grief: anger, anxiety, resentment, sadness, denial, fear, guilt, relief, joy, loneliness, longing, love, hopelessness, numbing, and more. It is normal to experience more than one emotion at the same time. For example, one may feel happiness during moments of lucidity but sadness about the reality of the situation. While living through the process of AG, emotions can change from moment to moment for everyone involved since the experience of living with someone suffering with Dementia can be like living in the midst of a moving target. 

“No one ever told me that Anticipatory (word interjected by writers) Grief felt so much like Fear”
C.S. Lewis

While everyone impacted by Young-Onset Dementia recognizes that nothing can take away the pain of anticipatory losses, they can also cope and achieve meaning making by using various strategies. For care partners, their families, and the afflicted, the following strategies may provide some comfort during the difficult period of AG:

Continue to attend family and social gatherings. Avoid social isolation.

  • Talk to loved ones and friends about the challenges of experiencing Young-Onset Dementia and caregiving. Tell your story.

  • Take pictures and videos to preserve the moments and memories.

  • Use the Serenity Prayer

  • Allow yourself to vocalize feelings to those you trust and know will listen.

  • Actively mourn the losses that do occur; do not let grief fester as it can lead to clinical depression, anxiety, substance abuse, health issues, as well as impact negatively on your relationships.

  • Take breaks, rest, and continue to nourish yourself throughout the caregiving process.

  • Give yourself the grace you deserve and would freely give to someone you love going through a similar situation.

  • Write letters to one another expressing feelings, hopes, and reflections on life spent together.

  • Find others afflicted and caregiving through young onset support groups, community events, online groups through Meetup.com, www.grief.com, the Alzheimer’s Association, and non-profits like YES!

  • Learn and practice mindfulness meditations and skills to find peace in moments of distress.

  • Understand that it is okay to have whatever feelings come to you throughout the process.

  • Practice gratitude

  • Journaling, art, grief yoga

  • Workbooks such as “Transforming Grief and Loss” by Ligia M. Houben, “The Dementia Care Partner’s Workbook” by Dr. Edward G. Shaw, and “Expected Loss, Coping with Anticipatory Grief” by Alan D. Wolfelt, Ph.D., may be helpful resources.

  • Use affirmations, readings, and quotes that nourish and empower you to keep going

  • Seek professional counseling and/or spiritual pastoral care

Finally, remember that everyone impacted by Young-Onset Dementia has a right to mourn openly and to discuss his or her grief. While traversing the wilderness of anticipated grief and illness, know that there are no “right or wrong” emotions. There will always be limits to our emotional, spiritual, and physical wellbeing, and it is necessary to honor them for self-preservation. Everyone will mourn and experience grief differently, and everyone has a right to explore comfort and meaning making differently as well. Though every incident of Young-Onset Dementia is different, sharing stories and listening to others afflicted can be effective means of processing loss. Anticipatory Grief is not a single event, but rather, an ongoing process. As such, everyone has the right to experience patience and compassion as they move forward at their own pace.

 This article is partnered with YES! (Young Onset Dementia Education and Support)

Co-Authored by Dawn O’Meally, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, owner of The Counseling Center for Change in Westminster, MD, YES! Board member and co-facilitator of YES! Men’s Support Group and Dawn’s son, Nicholas O’Meally, Licensed Social Worker and Bereavement Coordinator at the Visiting Nurses Association in Philadelphia, PA.

Both writers experienced the loss of Barbara O’Meally, Mother-in-law to Dawn and Grandmother to Nicholas to Alzheimer’s Disease on 10/21/19. They were happy to come together to create this article and have heartfelt hope that readers will benefit from it.

Season Affective Disorder "SAD" - What is it? & What are some symptoms to look for?

Dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder:

·         What is SAD?  Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD is a type of Depression that’s related to changes in seasons and begins and ends about the same time every year. The darker days can disrupt your body’s internal ‘clock’ and affect the parts of your brain that make mood-regulating hormones, such as serotonin and melatonin. It can affect circadian rhythm. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is not the same the “winter blues.” It can start around Daylight Savings Time. SAD is a recurring form of depression that can feel overwhelming and impact daily functioning—but the good news is it is also common and easily treatable. People who live at northern latitudes have been repeatedly shown to be at greater risk of developing seasonal affective disorder.

Also happens in the summer time for some people, called “summer depression” which is rarer and can be characterized by an agitated depression, anxiety, insomnia, and lowered appetite and weight loss. It can also happen in the spring.

Who gets it?   

10 million Americans get it! Mostly women (60-90%).  People that suffer with Depression or who have a family history of SAD are more susceptible to SAD. Conditions that often overlap symptoms with seasonal affective disorder include other depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, chronic fatigue syndrome, hypothyroidism, and substance use disorders.

Is it in the DSM- 5?

Yes, it is a type of Major Depression. To diagnose seasonal affective disorder, your healthcare provider will typically give you a screening questionnaire, such as the Seasonal Pattern Assessment Questionnaire (SPAQ), and a clinical interview.  To qualify for the diagnosis of SAD, you must experience a minimum of five of the symptoms below, including at least one of the first two symptoms in the list below. These symptoms must be experienced for the majority of the day for at least two continuous weeks:

  • Depressed mood

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in most activities

  • Significant weight and/or appetite changes

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Psychomotor changes

  • Fatigue or low energy

  • Sense of worthlessness

  • Impaired concentration

  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicidal ideation

Then, to meet the diagnosis for major depressive disorder with seasonal pattern, there are a few more criteria.

1) There must be a full remission of the depressive symptoms at the end of the season. For most people, this would mean starting to feel better in the spring as the sun comes out and weather gets warmer.

2) There needs to be at least a continuous two-year seasonal pattern to symptoms. During this time, no depressive episode can occur outside of the seasonal period.

3) There needs to be a lifetime pattern of significantly more seasonal episodes of depression than non-seasonal.

There is also a milder form of SAD called Subsyndromal seasonal affective disorder (S-SAD) and is often called the "winter blues."

Know the symptoms that can range from mild to severe.

The main symptoms of SAD include:

  • Having trouble waking, and sleeping more than usual

  • Feeling tired and lethargic, decreased motivation

  • Feeling more hungry than usual and cravings and sugary carbohydrates

  • Gaining weight

  • Finding it hard to stay connected with family and friends, hibernating

  • Feeling anxious, irritable and experiencing a low mood

  • Having difficulty concentrating or making decisions

  • Losing interest in sex

  • Feeling heavy, sluggish and moving slowly

  • Feeling helpless or having suicidal thoughts

Here are 11 tips for coping with SAD:

  1. Bundle up and get outside and get some fresh air during the daylight.  1 hour per day is optimal.

  2. Brighten up your environment, open the drapes at home, bring in plants, work by the window.

  3. Eat well-eat balanced meals every 3-4 hours to avoid mood crashing, lean protein at every meal, high fiber, good fats.

  4. Stay Hydrated-gives you energy and prevents dehydration which prevents cravings

  5. Avoid Alcohol, limit sugar and caffeine as it can make symptoms worse

  6. Exercise-especially aerobic activity-jogging, walking, swimming, bicycling.  Don’t make it an option if you want to control or prevent it from happening.  Yoga and Tai Chi

  7. Make social plans.  Don’t be a hermit.  Stay in Contact with Friends and Family.  Let them know how you are feeling, be honest with them.

  8. Get involved in Volunteer activities

  9. Create your own self- soothe plan:  Read a book, take a bath, rent a movie, get a pedicure, try a new recipe—it simply doesn’t matter what you enjoy, as long as you do it. Take the opportunity to do something that makes you happy and gives you something to look forward to.  Try getting this well-deserved time to yourself at least once a week. 

  10. Get Your Vitamin D level checked!  Your healthcare professional will recommend RX, vitamin and dosage.  May want to get it rechecked after getting it treated.  Melatonin may also be helpful.

  11. See a therapist. There is counseling specifically for SAD. With therapy, you’re also taught to identify and engage in behaviors that might help you cope, like an exercise schedule or walking outside each morning or engaging in meaningful, pleasurable activities – a hobby, for example.

11 Weeks to Self Esteem: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Program for Retraining Your Brain

On March 26, 2021, Dawn O’Meally was absolutely thrilled to be interviewed by Dr. David Burns, the author who has sold more than 5 million copies of Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy. During the Podcast, Dawn shared her 20 years of experience leading groups for her patients using Dr. Burns' workbook Ten Days to Self Esteem. Click here to read more from Dr. Burn’s and Dawn’s conversation.


Why is it so challenging to lose weight, cope with stress, manage emotions, or establish and maintain healthy habits?

Why am I so hard on myself and have unachievable, perfectionistic self-demands? Why do I procrastinate and self-sabotage when I know what I have to do? What can I do to deal with my worrying and anxiety?

The answers to these questions—and the path to lasting change in your life—lie in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a well-tested collection of practical techniques for managing moods and modifying undesirable behaviors through self-awareness, critical analysis, and taking steps toward gradual, goal-oriented change.

During the eleven weeks, engaging, 1 ½ hour long group sessions of 11 Weeks to Self Esteem, utilizing the workbook 10 Days to Self Esteem by David Burns, MD, you’ll build a robust and effective self-improvement toolkit with the expert guidance of Dawn A. O’Meally, MSW, LCSW-C. Dawn has been facilitating 11 Weeks to Self Esteem program doing group after group since 2002. You will build a toolkit of CBT techniques, get to practice them with step by step guidance and support from Dawn, and begin to use the tools immediately. Upon completing this eleven-week program, you will be armed with resources and tools to examine your own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors and to set yourself on the path to a better life.

What is CBT? CBT illuminates the links between thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and physical health and uses those connections to develop concrete plans for self-improvement.

Built on a solid foundation of neurological and behavioral research, CBT is not simply about treating mental illness. It is an approach almost anyone can use for promoting greater mental health and improving quality of life. CBT can help you address a variety of common concerns. Some of these issues fall under the traditional issues seen by mental health professionals- for example anxiety, depression, and trauma. Others are stressors in that occur in everyone’s life, from everyday challenges like conflicts at work to potentially life-changing events like the loss of a loved one. Even with medical issues, such as insomnia, weight management, and chronic pain, CBT can be a powerful part of better understanding the problem and enhancing the healing process. Unlike other forms of psychotherapy, CBT places the power in the hands of the patient, who learns and practices an explicit skillset that lasts long after therapy might end.

During the 11-week program, you’ll learn how to better deal with:

Stress: Humans are unique in that we can stress ourselves out with hypothetical events, things that never happen or might never happen. An individual's appraisals may be out of sync with reality, or out of touch with their actual coping skills. You will learn how CBT helps to uncover those negative thoughts, the common underlying thinking errors fueling the negative thoughts, and how to begin restructuring them so that your thoughts are rational and helpful- even in bad situations!

Depression: People who are feeling depressed often engage in self- defeating, maladaptive behaviors, which exacerbate their depressed feelings. In the CBT group program, you will learn the difference 2 between healthy sadness versus clinical depression, and tools to help you process negative feelings so that you can make intelligent decisions about them. In doing so, you learn to be more in charge of your emotions vs. being derailed by them.

Anger: Have you ever had a fight with someone that took place wholly in your mind? You will learn the difference between healthy constructive anger and unhealthy destructive anger, and how to avoid letting your emotions get away from you. You will learn how to effectively disarm and diffuse anger.

Procrastination: You will learn about the ten characteristics of people who procrastinate. You will discover the hidden benefits of procrastination. You will learn how to attack procrastination with the Procrastination Cost-Benefit Analysis and with the Devil’s Advocate Technique. You will discover how to become a more productive and creative person by uncovering and attacking the thinking habits fueling the procrastination.

Perfectionism: You will learn about several types of perfectionism, including about physical perfectionism, achievement perfectionism, perceived perfectionism, emotional perfectionism, romantic perfectionism, relationship perfectionism, and OCD. You will learn about the price you pay for being a perfectionist—along with the hidden benefits of this mind-set. You will learn about the differences between neurotic perfectionism and the healthy pursuit of excellence. You will discover the illogical thinking patterns that cause perfectionism. You will learn how to attack perfectionism with the Cost Benefit Analysis and the Daily Mood Log. You will explore a radical philosophical position based on accepting one’s flaws and shortcomings without a sense of shame.

Self Esteem: The fact is that self -esteem and your circumstances are only indirectly related There is another intervening factor that determines self-esteem 100 percent of the time: your thoughts. You will discover the answers to these questions: When people say they have low self-esteem, what do they really mean? What are the consequences of low self-esteem? Can a person have too much self esteem? What is the difference between self-esteem and self-confidence? Should you base your self esteem on your looks, your personality, or your accomplishments? Should you base your self-esteem on love and approval? What are the hidden benefits of an inferiority complex? What is a worthwhile human being? What is a worthless human being? How can I develop unconditional self-esteem?

As you progress through the 11-week program, you will:

• Gain a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationship between cognitions, emotions, and behavior.

• See how a very empirical process can be applied to very emotional situations.

• Find success through analyzing situations in which you failed to achieve your goals.

• Ramp up your positive emotions and moderate the negative ones

To Sum it all up: 11 Weeks to Self Esteem is an in depth and enlightening group program for the motivated, critical thinker who would like to improve their quality of life. Dawn O’Meally’s presentation is genuine, warm, and engaging as she teaches the step by step CBT tools from Dr. Burns’ workbook. Her enthusiasm and commitment to offering this program over and over again is based upon witnessing the transformation she has seen countless times in participants that have completed it. When you combine Dawn’s experience and passion for teaching CBT strategies, Dr. Burns’ powerful workbook, along with your desire to improve your situation, you can create lasting change in your life simply with the power of your own mind.

CBT= Change Begins Today - Order your copy of 10 Days to Self Esteem by David Burns, M.D.

If interested in joining the 11-Weeks to Self-Esteem Group - Please visit the group event page to learn more.

New Website Launch


We are proud to present to you the launch of our newly designed website! This post contains What’s New, What’s Improved, & Everything you need to know!

Our Service pages:

We still provide the same services we have offered throughout the years. With an enhanced accessibility points, each service we provide is easier to find. Each service page is equipped with full detail of that services and our experience. Within each page you will now be able to submit forms regarding interest or questions you may have. The separated service pages include: Individual Counseling, Bariatric (Pre/Post Op) Counseling and Group Counseling. Check them out, let us know what you think—we are here to help you!


Who is Wendi? And what does she do? Wendi is our new employee, well…sort of. As you may have noticed, a pop-up box came up on the bottom right-hand section of the screen—that’s Wendi. Wendi is our automated system to help us gather more information, including your contact information and insurance eligibility. Don’t worry! She will not share your secrets with anybody other than us. Fully secured and HIPAA compliant, Wendi speeds up the process of us getting to know the boring stuff paperwork stuff..blehh! However, she does moves us forward to the fun stuff and really getting to know you and your goals. To talk to Wendi, you can find her on the bottom right side of your screen by clicking the chat icon. Don’t worry, she won’t bite.


We can’t wait for you to join one of our many therapy groups! Throughout the year, we offer various support group events and psycho-educational groups. Our therapists create customized programs to make sure we meet your needs. Some of our events are based off other professionals throughout the world who have been changing the world with their amazing programs. Check out our events page! If you don’t see what you are looking for, let us know!

Meet Our Team:

Get to know our team. Therapy can be an intimidating process and one of the most important things to the road of success is the therapist selection process and whether you are fully comfortable with your therapists. By reading the bios of each of our therapists, you are able to know their background and match it to your preference in what you are looking in a therapist. We also have therapists who are bilingual: fluent in American Sign Language and Spanish. Our team is here for you and can’t wait to help you through your journey.


Introducing our new blog section. Content knowledge is power and we plan to bring you posts from time to time that you may find helpful or useful to your lifestyle. Counseling is a field of many different and exciting things that we can’t wait to share with you!


Our friends, are your friends. We work with many accredited professionals and organizations within the industry. Through physician referral programs we are able to connect you with the people we know and trust—and vise versa. We are so grateful for our partners who we can rely on. Our people are your people.